Sunday, March 22, 2015


So I'm not sure if I mentioned it in any of my past posts, but for the past 2 months I have been part of the musical production at my school! My school performed FAME the musical this past weekend and it was a blast! Of course I wasn't on stage, I was back stage playing in the orchestra. My friend Leah, from Love Ling, was one of the leads in the show! She has an incredible voice and totally crushed the role of Carmen Diaz.
    I really enjoyed my time working with the cast and crew of FAME, even with all of the frustrations, I had fun working with some amazing and talented people! I would recommend anyone to join their school musical, you will have such a great time. I think that this has really inspired me to be myself. If all of these theater kids can get on stage and do such incredible things, why can't I just be my crazy self in real life and own it? I loved working with the musical so much that I am actually considering joining the cast next year! So I encourage you guys to go out and be yourself. You do you, and maybe even join your school musical(:


Sunday, March 15, 2015


    So recently I have been doing a ton of stuff in school, and I joined the musical with my friend Leah from Love Ling and I also took the SAT and ACT within a little over a week. To put it simply, I have been exhausted. I just thought that I would finally post for you guys again!
    This post is just a little update of my life. I joined the orchestra for the musical being performed at my school, and it has been a good experience so far. Our show is coming up soon so it is time for 5 hour dress rehearsals! In addition to the musical, it was apparently standardized testing time. Ick. Those tests make my brain melt by the end of them, but they are over and I will find out about my scores soonish.
    I think the thing that has made me the most excited recently is this lovely weather. I have missed the sunshine and I can't wait until everyday feels like spring! I can finally break out my chacos and capris, and that makes me so happy. Well I just wanted to give a little update. Check back for more later.
